MiCoFCI study - Strategy and Recommendations for microbiological cleanliness of future cargo integration

The aim of the project “Strategy and Recommendations for microbiological cleanliness of future cargo integration” was to review current measures implemented to ensure the microbiological cleanliness of cargos and recommendations how to enhance the microbiological cleanliness. The lessons learned from the ATV campaigns and the current cargo processes were summarized based on interviews with representatives of all the steps of the cargo process. Further information was collected from Expert workshop where all the stakeholders expressed and shared current gaps, constraints and possible improvements. All information was synthesized into recommendations. Microbial contamination is both a potential risk on-board for the crew and for the equipment. Specific measures to limit potential microbial contamination are thus essential, especially in view of future exploration missions. Apart from the specific measures on the crew, the most efficient pre-flight prevention is to ensure that none of the cargo item, as well as cargo transfer bag (CTB) will be a source of microbial contamination. Ensuring the microbiological cleanliness of cargos is thus essential.