De-risk assessment: Additive manufacturing of soft magnetic material for satellite actuators - AMMMSA

The objectives were to reach a part density over 99.5%, a tensile strength above 365 MPa and improvement of magnetic material properties. For the demonstrator the objective was to develop a rotor for a magnetic bearing with minimum mass. Therefore, manufacturing of complex design elements which are more light weight like lattice structures were a further objective of the activity.
The goals to improve mechanical and magnetic material properties for soft magnetic Ni50Fe50 specimens processed by LPBF was achieved. Tensile strength is with ~500 MPa higher than the targeted 365 MPa and close to values of conventionally processed material. Whereas, magnetic properties measured are still lower than those specified in the datasheet of PERMENORM 5000V5 material by VAC. Since the density achieved is already close to 100% it can be concluded that not only density has a strong influence on the magnetic properties.