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Carbon Nanotube Technology and Material Engineering for Various Space Applications (NATAP)

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
Carbon Nanotube Technology and Material Engineering for Various Space Applications (NATAP)
Main objective of the activity is to develop specific space hardware for which performances can be improved by using CNT doped materials. The engineering of the technology of the material and of the related processes towards these space applications will be further matured. Focus is on CFRP structures with embedded CNTs in different configurations. The study is based on the know how acquired during former activities including NACO, NACO2 (both GSTP).
The the frame of this activity the following tasks will be done:
  • Task 1: Based on pre-selected space applications and respective CNT technology /manufacturing process:
  • Definition of requirements and performance targets for each application.
  • Elaboration of development plan for the selected routes.
  • Task 2: Optimisation and stabilisation of manufacturing processes of the whole process chain: from CNT raw material, over CNT reinforced composite until final machining; respective test methods will be applied, and where identified in task 1, optimized and standardised. The achieved standardisation will be verified by application at different team partner sites via round robins. This will be performed in three iteration as follows:
- Verification trials of the selected techniques.
- Validation of most promising routes and upscaling.
- Stabilisation of process and increase of statistical values.
  • Task 3: Detailed design of 3-4 demonstrators; manufacturing of CNT raw material and of the composites demonstrators; testing of demonstrators (nondestructive on demonstrator and destructive on witness samples).
  • Task 4: Detailed data investigations and test evaluation; comparison of results with previous expectations and requirements; critical assessment on potential for previouslyselected space applications; development planning for most promising two applications;study synthesis and final reporting.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
24 - Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Competence Domain
2-Structures, Mechanisms, Materials, Thermal
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary