Techniques for spoofing detection and mitigation in Aeronautical receivers

The objective of this activity is to assess the spoofing threat scenarios on an aeronautical receiver and propose mitigation techniques. The activity aims to identify the weaknesses of the aeronautical equipment in order to guarantee the safety critical operations, and formulate this residual threat as system level requirements in the evolutions of GNSS systems
Open GNSS signal authentication is one of the main future challenges that the GNSS community will have to face in order to support safety critical applications. One of the major evolutions proposed for the Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) systems is to provide authentication services to their users. This evolution is still under debate in international fora, therefore this activity proposes to investigate the issue starting from the consolidation of the spoofing scenarios and the potential anti-spoofing techniques that can be integrated in an airborne navigation system. The activity consists of the following tasks -Consolidate the spoofing threat applicable scenarios for aeronautical users -Define the figures of merits to base the analysis of the spoofing impact -Develop innovative receiver algorithms for GNSS stand-alone and GNSS hybridized with other sensors -Consolidate the performance of the proposed techniques through analysis and simulation -Develop the necessary tools to support the objectives of this activity The activity will provide input to the consolidation of the roadmap for GALILEO and EGNOS evolutions.