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The knowledge bank of ESA’s R&D programmes

E.inspector phase A

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
E.inspector phase A

The objectives of this contract shall be to perform a phase A feasibility study of the e.Deorbit mission. This translates into the following goals:* An analysis of possible mission options and payloads.* A trade-off of both payload and mission options.* A minimum of two mission design concepts of an inspector, based on the trade-off results, and submitted to approval by ESA.* A system level assessment of the approved concepts, including function tree and product tree, taking into account all technical disciplines.* Preliminary technical specifications and preliminary system requirements, with requirements flow down from objectives to sub-system requirements, preferably in a system modelled format.* RDV trajectories for all proposed mission, taking into account G/S coverage, target coverage and any constraint stemming from the GNC sensors* Product trees for all proposed missions, in modelled format (e.g. OCDT, CDP, etc.)* A technology plan and technology matrix.* A system verification plan and Assembly, Integration and Testing plan.* A risk assessment for all proposed missions.* A cost estimate for all proposed missions.* Delivery of the study result to ESA for the Preliminary Requirements Review (PRR) and ensure implementation of the PRR actions.


The E.Inspector mission objectives are to:* Image an ESA owned space debris in its current status * Use obtained images for the verification and validation of the e.deorbit or space tug GNC sensorsFollowing a successful ESA internal CDF study, the mission is now proposed to go to phase A to be studied by industry.Several drivers make this mission design challenging:* A possible long and large (delta-V) transfer to the target* Compliance to Space Debris Mitigation guidelines from possibly high altitude* A close RDV while maintaining keep-out zones and ensuring passively safe trajectories* Trading storage versus G/S contact and the ability to dump all stored data during RDV* compliance to different piggyback opportunities

Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
1 - On-board Data Subsystems
10 - Flight Dynamics and GNSS
11 - Space Debris
12 - Ground Station Systems and Networks
15 - Mechanisms
16 - Optics
17 - Optoelectronics
19 - Propulsion
2 - Space System Software
20 - Structures
21 - Thermal
23 - Electrical, Electronic and Electro-mechanical (EEE) Components and Quality
24 - Materials and Manufacturing Processes
25 - Quality, Dependability and Safety
3 - Space Systems Electrical Power
4 - Space Systems Environments and Effects
5 - Space System Control
6 - RF Subsystems, Payloads and Technologies
7 - Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques
8 - System Design & Verification
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
10-Astrodynamics, Space Debris and Space Environment
32-Clean Space
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document