Multi-scale high accuracy engineering tools for single event effects analysis in modern technologies

Development and validation of key simulation capabilities for methods for modelling emerging categories of SEE in state-of-the-art micro- and nano-electronics. Actions to replace current methods and tools for SEE analysis that were established in the 1980s, and are inadequate for complex modern devices, will be executed and where possible coordinated and harmonised within Europe and elsewhere. Developments and complementary activities will be comprehensively evaluated and validated analytically and experimentally in accelerator facilities with appropriate test items. Result will be the establishment of new consistent computational tools fit for the purpose.
Although Single Event Effects (SEE) have been known for many years to be a major source of anomalies in spacecraft, problems are multiplying because of technology evolution and the inability of analysis techniques to keep pace. New mechanisms in SEE generation are emerging, and "classical" analysis algorithms and software (such as CREME-96) are becoming rapidly outdated due to their major simplifications in the physics and in the treatment of the sensitive "bit" geometry. Expected growth in micro-and nano-scale electronics leads to the need to develop new techniques, with the added challenge to deploy them in project and industrial radiation harness assurance processes, as discussed in harmonisation. This activity will develop new algorithms and modelling methods for detailed description of charge injection by low-energy and secondary particle transport in semiconductor materials. Where necessary, processes including charge collection in deep-sub-micron devices, electron-hole pair transport in dynamic electric fields, the effects of nuclear interactions in overlayers and interconnects, and non-homogenous, complex sensitive volume geometries and sensitivities will be treated. Since the priorities will be to ensure usability in industrial and Agency software tools for SEE rate and risk analysis, and to ensure provision of necessary engineering interfaces, careful analysis of the RHA context of the tool(s) will be made to ensure cost-effective production of the necessary input parameters and data via testing, or other means. Inter-comparisons and validation will be made with embryonic next generation SEE tools (MUSCA, DESMICREX, CREME-MC, GEMAT) and with experiment.