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Products Evolution for MEO

Programme Reference
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End Date
Products Evolution for MEO
The objective of the activity is to adapt the legacy GEO product portfolio (PCU- Power Control Unit, PPU- Power Processing Unit and SDIU - Standard Interface amp; Distribution Unit) to non-GEO applications. A second goal is to study the optimum power architecture to bring the maximum competitiveness to the MEO (Medium Earth Orbit) product.
For a given application area, the power and propulsion requirements may evolve with each generation of the satellite system. Power levels may increase with the enhancement of the payload and also the introduction or the increased use of electric propulsion. These trends are occurring in application segments such as navigation. In order to address these trends, power subsystem solutions may be adapted from satellite systems used for other orbits and other applications. In this context, the goal of the activity is to adapt the power subsystem product portfolio, namely the PCU, the PPU and the SDIU, from GEO applications to non-GEO applications (in particular MEO).
The adaptation is needed to address different issues:
- Non-GEO, and in particular MEO, application environmentsare more demanding with respect to radiation effects and tothermal cycling constraints (lower altitude and higherrevolution rate)
- the adaptation of satellite power subsystem architecture toaddress the specific needs of the mission, orbit and satellitesystem architecture;
- the adaptation of satellite power subsystem to the specificneeds of Assembly Integration Testing and launch procedure,imposing some new features, mainly in the critical powerconditioning unit.
In this context, the activity will address the following:
- PCU architecture adaptation and validation with thedevelopment of a dedicated launch-off module to comply withAIT/launch legacy processes for LEO/MEO;
- For the SDIU, the development of a new STUB moduleresponsible for the communication of the unit and a moduleresponsible for heater and power distribution to the payload;
- the increase of the output power to 5 kW for the PPU
- The design of all three units to work in the new thermal andradiation environments (e.g. increase in the mechanicalshielding, improved spacecraft charging robustness);
In addition, this activity will include a trade-off optimisation analysis to identify the best power architecture in terms of performance, repeatability, integration simplicity and cost.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
3 - Space Systems Electrical Power
Competence Domain
4-Electric Architecture, Power and Energy, EMC
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL