X Band Downlink Antennas

X BAND DOWNLINK ANTENNA EQM S/N: 001 has been designed, manufactured and tested at EQM levels.
From the initial to the final RF electrical tests, the performances do not suffer any degradation ( neither shock test nor random test).
No damage has been detected during the overall vibration test sequence:
Vibration test:
- On axes X and Y no significant frequency shifting (higher than 10%) and response
amplitude variation (higher than 50%) are measured between each sine survey.
- On axis Z, there is a variation in amplitude higher than 50% before and after the random.
See: GSTP-NC-0013-RYM.
Vibration test and shock test:
- Visual inspection performed along the test has not shown any damage.
After performing the thermal chamber test, no damage or degradation has been detected in the equipment.
All dimensions presented on the ICD had been measured obtaining always values within their tolerances