ESPSS: European Space Propulsion System Simulation

• An upgrade on Tanks and Pipes modelling (PMD tanks and gas dissolution), in this way completing some of the requirements not implemented yet in phases 1 and 2.
• A starting point for direct steady and quasi-steady calculations dealing with parametric studies in combustion chambers.
• Inclusion of new validation cases in tanks & combustion chambers.
• Development of new turbo-machinery models.
• Integration of validated optimization routines.
ESPSS is concerned with setting up a common European platform for propulsion system simulation. Such a common platform is identified as crucial in order to strengthen the European company’s competence in propulsion system modelling. ESPSS is proposed as a framework for continuous cooperation on space propulsion systems between European industries working on such kind of systems.
Most of the targets of the ESPSS Phase 3 project have been successfully achieved:
• Specific upgrades have been implemented for the different libraries such as new supported fluids, robustness improvements or new correlations
• The adsorption and desorption effects of non-condensable gases have been implemented in pipes and tanks
• Four new libraries have been added to ESPSS:
o The STEADY library for the direct calculation of steady and quasi-steady models
o The SATELLITE library for the calculation of motion and attitude of satellites
o The EP library for the simulation of electric propulsion systems
o The COMP_DATABASE library, as a basis for the users to create their customized new components from generic ones
• An industrial re-evaluation of the tool has been successfully carried out
• New validation cases has been added to the libraries and to the manuals, covering the new implementations and the upgrades