CHEOPS - Mission Operations Centre (MOC)
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The aim of the activity is the development of the mission operations centre (MOC) for CHEOPS and the CHEOPS spacecraft operations, from launch till the end of the nominal operational phase and S/C deorbiting.
The CHEOPS (Characterizing ExOPlanet Satellite) mission is dedicated to the search for planet transits by means of ultrahigh precision photometry on bright stars already known to host planets. Following the ESA Call for small class missions released in March 2012, the SPC selected in October 2012 CHEOPS as S1 mission in ESA Science Programme, with a target launch in 2017. The mission is carried out as a partnership between the ESA Science Programme and Switzerland, with important contributions from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Sweden and Spain, cooperating within a dedicated mission consortium.
ESA is the Mission Architect and in charge of the spacecraft development and launch. The contribution from the mission consortium includes:
- The science payload, as Customer Furnished Items (CFI) to the Spacecraft Contractor.
- The provision of AIT services at spacecraft level.
- The spacecraft operations and the subject of the current procurement, as a national contribution of Spain to the mission, as foreseen in ;ESA/SPC(2014)5).
- The science operations (implemented by a consortium of national institutes).
Following a parallel competitive phase A/B1, the prime contractor was selected for the following phase B2/C/D/E1 and the corresponding contract proposal was approved by IPC on 25 June 2014 (ESA/IPC(2014)93). The implementation phase includes the platform development, the spacecraft system level integration and test, and the support to the launch campaign and in-orbit commissioning.
The proposed contract will include the following activities:
- Phase 1 (550 K): CHEOPS Mission Operations Centre development - Phase 1 is dedicated to the development, validation and commissioning of the CHEOPS MOC, with the provision of a number of operation tools and their installation in the groundstation facilities. The deliverables of Phase 1 correspond to application SW tools, workstations required to run the Mission ;Operations tools and, to a limited extent, HW units required to adapt the existing MOC infrastructure to the needs of the CHEOPS mission. Test results demonstrating the validation of the MOC are also deliverables for this phase. The total duration of Phase 1 is anticipated to be of approximately 36 months.
- Phase 2 (2,450 K): CHEOPS Operations - Phase 2 corresponds to the actual CHEOPS spacecraft operations, from launch till the end of the nominal operational phase and S/C deorbiting. The ;;deliverables of Phase 2 correspond to executing the routine CHEOPS mission ;operations as well as to maintaining the corresponding CHEOPS MOC ;infrastructure. Tangible deliverables will be represented by science and housekeeping telemetry delivered to the Science Operations Centre. The total duration of Phase 2 is anticipated to be of 45 months.
Application Domain
Space Science
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL