Advanced GNSS Reference Station breadboard

Objective(s): Development of a Reference Station Prototype integrating two state-of-the-art GNSS receivers; Allowing characterization of GNSS receivers against EGNOS requirements through development of a characterization framework; Being the base for a GNSS performance assessment framework allowing analysis of GNSS receiver performances as well as monitoring and detection of potential threats (interference, spoofing, etc.);
Background and justification: The aim of this project is the design and development of an innovative Reference Station Prototype integrating two state-of-the-art Multiconstellation Multifrequency GNSS receivers. The developed prototype can be used as the basis of:
Achievements and status:
The project was successfully completed in August 2017.
A prototype of an advanced multi-constellation and multi-frequency reference station to be used in local or regional augmentation systems; A characterization framework (methodology and tools) which can be used for the assessment or validation of receiver (from mass market to professional or geodetic receivers) performances (improving time allocation for testing and qualification)