Passive Reflectometry and dosimetry (PRETTY) IOD CubeSat Mission: Phases C/D/E/F
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The objective of this activity is to implement the phase C/D/E1 of PRETTY CubeSat. The CubeSat mission hosting two scientific payloads: The first is a passive reflectometry system adopting a novel approach to exploiting GPS /GALILEO signals for Earth Observation. The second payload targets space weather observation by implementing a radiation monitor on board the CubeSat. ;
PRETTY is a 3 unit (3U) CubeSat with deployable solar arrays to generate sufficient power for reliable mission operations. The telemetry will be utilizing International Telegraph Union (ITU) coordinated frequency bands in UHF and S-Band allowing a high download data rate of up to 2 Mbit/s. PRETTY will make use of COTS subsystems with flight heritage for the satellite bus wherever possible and will build on experience gained in the ESA OPS-SAT project to minimize risk, development time and costs and maximize reliability. A central element of the payload will be a set of powerful system-on-chip processors in cold redundancy and a softwaredefined radio front-end including antennas.
The passive reflectometry payload proposed in this project, focuses on altimetry and profits from previous ESA and national activities. Within several previous ESA projects the development of a passive reflectometry instrument was fostered by performing studies and conducting airborne demonstration campaigns. ;
The definition of a reflectometer for a CubeSat uses the insights gained within this study but also has to obey the restrictions given by the limits of available mass and volume of a CubeSat for accommodating antennas and restrictions on the maximum power consumption. These limitations enforce an innovative instrument concept (already studied in GEROS ISS). ;
The instrument will focus on grazing altimetry. For grazing altimetry, the instrument will observe reflections of the GNSSR signals for very large incident angles. Therefore, the direct and the reflected signal will be received via the same antenna.
The main tasks for the activity are the following:
For Phase C/D/E1:
- Consolidation of the CubeSat technical baseline from Phase A/B ;
- Finalise the plan for the AIV of the satellite Proto-Flight Model (PFM), ground segment and all necessary Ground Support Equipment (GSE) ;
- Manufacture, assemble and integrate and testing of all elements of the satellite PFM ;
- Complete the procurement of the launch services ;
- Ground segment, launch, LEOP, and nominal operations necessary for the IOV. ;
Application Domain
GEN-Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
10-Flight Dynamics and GNSS
Competence Domain
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL