Advanced signal-in-space Techniques (Mod, Cod, Message)

This activity is focused on the introduction of state of the art tele-communication techniques (Modulation, Coding, Message, etc) in to the navigation domain to improve the performance of the Navigation signals for those types of users and Services for which the current signal design is not optimised or to achieve a more efficient use of the available RF resources to be exploited for future radionavigation system design.
Communication techniques can be introduced in the Navigation domain to improve the performances. Easyness of the generation/reception of the signal, reduction of the intrasystem interference, higher orthogonality of the spreading sequences, efficiency of the message encoding mechanism to achieve higher data rate or lower BER, robustness of the signal tracking, higher efficiency in the exploitation of the available bandwidth, robustness to hostile RF environment, jamming and anti spoofing capability etc. are areas for possible improvement. Use of multilevel codes, structurally banlimited or compact signals, multiobjective optimisation of the spreading sequence and of the pulse shape, turbo codes, are just example of possible ways to achieve these improvements, whose applicability or the real advantages have to be proven and studied in detail. The impact on the receiver and payload design must also be taken into account for the feasibility.