Application of MBSE to reverse-engineer OPS-SAT and improve OPS-SAT2

The main objective of the project is the reverse engineering of the OPS-SAT system, creating a model of the existing system design. The model aims to be built in a way that it is most useful for OPS-SAT engineers to understand and discuss the existing design and use this as a basis for further development of the OPS-SAT system.
The first technical objective of the activity was to interface with the OPS-SAT engineering team and gather mission challenges and “pain point” through a series of workshops and interviews with a special intension to use OPS-SAT as a first of its kind for ESA aiming at testing and validating new techniques.
Based on the challenges and main pain points of OPS-SAT design and development an MBSE modelling framework and software environment is selected to support the activity based on the overall modelling objectives and sought output. This includes a specific modelling language and tool selection as well as the implementation of a modelling methods. The aim was to have a modelling environment adapted to the goal of the activity, to guide the modellers towards the creation of the necessary artefacts and customized to deliver the required output products. The modelling framework shall be flexible to be adapted in later stages and as well after the conclusion of the activity to expand the environment and to take into account any new challenge that may arise in the future and that can be efficiently solved employing MBSE techniques.