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CSS Extension Component for integration in MICONYS-CC

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Czech Republic
CSS Extension Component  for integration in MICONYS-CC
The CCSDS has developed the Monitored Data Cross Support Transfer Service (MD-CSTS), a standard service by which a spaceflight mission can obtain real-time status of the space communication and tracking services being provided by the Ground Station. The objectives of this activity are twofold, to:
  • define and develop the component that handles such cross-support services (CSS) within an European Ground Segment Common Core (EGS-CC) based mission control system.
  • complete the prototyping activity for the CSTS Application Programming Interface (API), and perform the porting to Java
The monitoring and control systems infrastructure at ESOC (based on SCOS-2000) is going to face obsolescence. ESA has decided to adopt the EGS-CC for future Monitoring and Control Systems for the pre-launch, operational and post-launch phases. For the ESOC EGS-CC monitoring and control infrastructure, the following main products are expected:
  • a new generation mission control system infrastructure (MICONYS-CC)
  • a new generation ground data systems validation infrastructure (TEVALIS-CC)
  • a new generation ground stations monitoring and control infrastructure (GSMC-CC) to be used for the execution of ESTRACK operations.
  • a new generation Operations Preparation Environment (OPEN-CC)
The CSS (Cross-Support Services) Extension is one of a number components to be developed on the top of the EGS-CC in order to offer the equivalent functions to the existing monitoring and control support infrastructure.
The CSS Extension component basically consists of the CSTS Consumer application that in MD-CSTS is referred to as the CSTS User. It will be integrated in the EGS-CC-based Miconys (MICONYS-CC). This component will implement, through appropriate interfaces, the following functions:
  • the acquisition of ground station monitoring data and events via the MD CSTS
  • translating the CSTS information model to the EGS-CC conceptual data model
  • the injection into the Mission Control System
The CSS component implies that a CSTS API is available in the Java language.
The MD-CSTS is a service by which a spaceflight mission can obtain real-time status of the space communication and tracking services being provided by the Ground Station. The MD-CSTS service is built on top of the CSTS Framework. The MD-CSTS provides cyclic reports and event notifications associated with the status and performance of the ground station during a space link contact.
The activity consists of two main tasks.
Task 1 is the finalization of the CSTS Application Programming Interface (API). It consists of the porting to Java of the CSTS API prototype; this includes porting of code (C++ to Java) and UML (Rational Rose to Magic Draw).
Task 2 is the design and development of the CSS Extension Component. The CSTS Consumer application shall be designed in a way that meets the integration requirements of the EGS-CC-based MICONYS architecture. This task consists of
  • Study the CSS design, define interfaces and interactions with other EGS-CC components of the EGOS-CC project.
  • Propose a concrete tailoring exchange format that defines the contents of the provided information from the CSTS Provider. Analyse the model-to-model tailoring translation aspects for integrating this tailoring information into the EGS-CC Conceptual data model
  • Conceive the structure and contents of the MD CSTS Service Instances, according to which the Service(s) will be configured, activated and then run.
  • Conceive the CSS architecture required to perform: acquisition of ground station monitoring data and events, translating the CSTS information model to the EGS-CC conceptual data model and injection of the monitoring data into the MICONYS-CC processing chain
  • Develop CSS code, including the set of test tools for its validation, produce the complete set of design documentation, running the full set of validation tests , and producing the relevant Test Reports and produce a simulator for the CSTS MD Provider for testing. The MD CSTS standardization activity produced a C++ based MD Provider prototype, which can be made available as a basis of such test
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL