De-risk assessment: Generic flexible Nanosat platform for IOD and IOV services - Scenario 3

During the de-risk activity, the scalability of the SmartPanel approach was studied and prototypes of the SmartPanel were manufactured. Functional testing in laboratory and in a thermal vacuum chamber was performed. Testing included communication between the panels, sensor read out and powering generic external payloads. The payload processing unit underwent thermal vacuum tests to test the operation in a space environment. The tests included several benchmarks to measure the power usage and calculational performance.
Future CubeSat platforms for IOD/IOV missions will require improved capabilities at an equal or reduced price as currently available platforms. Two important drivers for such a platform are computational power and flexibility to adapt to different missions. OroraTech has developed a computational powerful processing unit, in form of a GPU and a new modular and flexible bus architecture, called SmartPanels, for this purpose. Equipped with this technology, OroraTech will enter the IOD/IOV market.
All set goals were achieved. A bus architecture was developed and the SmartPanel and payload processing unit hardware was successfully tested in laboratory and thermal-vacuum conditions. With the conclusion of these tests both systems now are at a TRL of 5. The TRL will be increased further in the following months. With the successful tests the new satellite platform will be closer to reality. This platform allows new mission scenarios for a commercial in orbit demonstration and verification service.
The payload processing unit will allow testing of complex algorithms and software like artificial intelligence and high data stream real time processing for various applications. The SmartPanel bus allows to integrate every possible payload into the satellite without redesign, increasing the possible mission scenarios for the platform.
Future development will continue as part of the Orbital Oracle Technologies GmbH in-house research and development and if decided by ESA also in phase 2 of GENA-Sat. Notable future steps involve radiation testing of the components and reach brass model level at the beginning of 2021.