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De-risk assessment:BOSS - Buss for Orbit Service Sustainability

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
De-risk assessment:BOSS - Buss for Orbit Service Sustainability

Objective(s): ​

  • Prepare and de-risk the development of a high-performance, low-cost and flexible OTV (BOSS), assessing the potential added value of the service which it would provide.​
  • Perform a full market analysis and carry out BOSS market placement.​
  • Determine mission and system requirements as well as the preliminary requirements of the critical subsystems.​
  • Perform a system preliminary design and make-or-buy decisions for subsystems​
  • Perform initial de-risk activities of the critical subsystems​
  • Prepare OTV Development Pan ​

Achievements and status: ​

  • De-risked commercial and technical feasibility of BOSS: Conducted a comprehensive market analysis of In-Orbit Servicing (IOS) to identify key applications, customers, competitors, and regions. Carried out BOSS market placement, selecting lunar transportation services as baseline. Mitigated commercial risks through feasibility studies, identification of design drivers (e.g., propulsion, radiation), and establishing key costs, schedules, and performance targets.​
  • Preliminary Mission and System Requirements: Defined high-level mission and system requirements as well as preliminary requirements of the AOCS control electronics.​
  • Preliminary Mission Analysis: Analysed different launch vehicles capabilities, identified different Earth-to-Moon transfer strategies and computed preliminary Delta V estimation ofr each scenario.​
  • Preliminary Design of BOSS: Evaluated the effect on performance of structural mass, solar array efficiency, a potential staged architecture and a potential chemical-electric hybrid vehicle. Completed a preliminary design, selecting a hybrid propulsion system to address radiation, orbit time, and cost challenges. Identified two potential sets subsystems for BOSS. Developed power and data preliminary architectures.​
  • Lunar-Compatible AOCS Development: Initiated development of a tailored AOCS system, including a breadboard for control electronics featuring flexible, cost-effective designs using COTS components. Designed an aluminum casing to mitigate radiation, with plans for future testing.​
  • Development Plan: Established a detailed plan for follow-up activity. Revised calendar and model philosophy towards BOSS first mission.

Benefits: ​

  • BOSS current baseline design is believed to present three major advantages with respect to state-of-the art OTV solutions focused on the Cislunar space or traditional means of reaching the Moon (inserted to TLI by launcher): ​
  • 1) Flexibility in the selection of the launch vehicle. BOSS is compatible with a wide range of launch vehicles, including LEO rideshare programs (e.g., SpaceX’s Falcon 9) and direct TLI-capable vehicles, providing strategic adaptability and enhanced mission planning options.​
  • 2) Cost-effectiveness: Leveraging cost-effective launch options like LEO rideshare programs significantly lowers costs, enabling BOSS to offer competitive pricing per kilogram for clients.​
  • 3) Capacity to provide last-mile delivery of payloads​
Application Domain
GEN-Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
10 - Flight Dynamics and GNSS
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL