Innovative scalable large deployable antenna reflectors

To identify, design and demonstrate by bread-boarding the feasibility of a European large antenna reflector having intrinsic scaling capability to cover diameter range from 4 to 18 m and frequency range from UHF to Ka-band.
Despite different attempts performed in the past two decades, Europe is lacking a competitive product for a large reflector with the requested TRL level to embark on a commercial program. Need is identified to cover antenna applications from 4 up to 18 meter and for frequencies from UHF up to Ka band.. American companies are leaders in this domain and are commercially dominating the worldwide market. ESA has implemented a dedicated large antenna working group, which has analysed the state-of ?the-art in this domain and identified most promising large reflector concepts, together with design criteria and requirements. The associated Technical Report shall be considered as the basis for this activity. In particular the need for a ?scalable? design concept, able to cover the small diameter range, but with growth potentials up to 18 m diameter, has been recognised. Regarding surface accuracy and electrical performances they have to be scalable from lower frequency ranges, up to the highest currently envisaged (Ka frequency band with 5 m diameter). Overall reflector configuration, accommodation, mass, stiffness, deployment reliability and testability shall be studied. The activity would proceed with a Phase 1 (target budget 250K?) where consolidation of the requirements, design concept, feasibility and testability would have to be shown.Phase 2 would be devoted to the detailed design and analyses at reflector level and breadboard verification of the consolidated concept. A 4 to 7m reflector model is anticipated.In addition to ESA working group identified concepts, original ideas, if proposed, will be considered in the early parts of Phase 1, to exploit at maximum creativity and constant progresses in the field of material / component technologies.