Technology to quantify and qualify microbial contamination on surfaces

It is proposed to study the feasibility and to develop a surface sample technology (i.e. between swabs and wipes surfaces samples and the analyser) in order to allow an automated quantification and identification of microbial contamination of flight hardware. This technology will allow to avoid human handling and consequently reduce the risks of microbial contamination.
Microbial contamination is a generic risk concerning flight hardware degradation, Planetary Protection and potentially crew health. Material surface requires a proper control and monitoring of the microbial cleanliness level. Today, contact plates, swabs and wipes are used for surface sampling. Swabs and wipes samples include mandatory liquid transfer to further extract and detect microorganism. Today, automated miniaturized system, molecular-based, has been developed and offers the possibility to perform multiple laboratory functions on a complete integrated system (i.e. extraction of nucleic acids, amplification, detection). However, this concern only air samples and no technology is available to allow the transfer of surface samples. Existing know-how and technologies available in the field of microbiology, molecular biology, and biotechnologies will be reviewed. Based on this review, the feasibility to develop a technology for surface samples transfer (i.e. small and large volume) will be studied. A design will be proposed and prototype will be manufactured and tested and validated. Swabs and wipes samples from ESA clean rooms and from Planetary Protection project (i.e. ExoMars) can be used. Preliminary concept for future space application will be proposed, critical issues will be identified including technical and safety challenges.