Verification of Composite Laminates under Cryogenic Thermo-Mechanical Loading
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
Start Date
End Date

Objectives are to answer to the following questions:
- Are the currently used failure criteria that are available in most commercial FE codes appropriate for the thermo-mechanical loading conditions induced by cryogenic environments.
- Are the current common practices to determine material allowable values with UD laminate samples appropriate for the strength verification for thermo-mechanical loading in combination with the commonly used failure criteria.
- If above questions are answered negatively: How can the the strength verification for laminate structures under severe cryogenic thermo-mechanical loading be improved.
Proposed activities:
- Assess and identify the limitations of the commonly used approach for strength verification of composite laminates under cryogenic thermo-mechanical environment (including modelling, failure criteria with supporting test methods to determine allowable values).
- Assess relevance of stacking sequences of plies in the laminate for resistance against cryogenic thermo-mechanical loading.
- Propose and develop alternatives for currently applied strength verification methods. These alternative methods can be based on alternative modelling approaches, alternative failure criteria and alternative methods to determine allowable material values using revised sample test methods.
- Verify the alternative strength verification methods for laminates under cryogenic thermo-mechanical loading with tests on laminates with various lay-ups subjected to cryogenic environment.
- Prepare guidelines for:
- The strength verification of composite laminates under cryogenic thermo- mechanical loading in combination with the guidelines for obtaining the required material properties. Preferably these guidelines shall aim on usingexisting functionality of commercial finite element codes. If needed proposalsshall be made to extend of these FE codes.
- Design of laminates subjected to severe cryogenic thermo-mechanical loading.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
20 - Structures
Competence Domain
2-Structures, Mechanisms, Materials, Thermal
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary