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Atmospheric Missions DAta packaging (AMIDA)

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
The scope of the activity is to design, implement and demonstrate the functionalities of an infrastructure for access and distribution of EO data in the field of Atmospheric Sciences: heritage, current, and future missions will be managed by the platform.
The core of the activity is the development and demonstration of technologies to homogenize the data for joint use: this is highly relevant for Atmospheric Sciences data where a large variety of data in terms of sensing time and geometry and dimensionality (1D to 3D) prevent the combined use of various datasets. Nevertheless, the developed methodologies can be applied to other domains, to create meaningful subsets to cope with the growing of the data stream (large amount of EO data coming from different platforms for the same domain).
Within the frame of this activity the following tasks are foreseen:
  • To involve in various advisory roles high level / internationally recognized representatives in the technological, scientific and application communities such as mission managers, key scientist and key satellite data users (e.g. meteorological services);
  • To collect users needs in terms of data combination, data access, data sub-setting (given the various space-time and data value filtering criteria), data usage;
  • To define at the highest detail, the characteristics of each dataset related to atmospheric sciences (from Level 1 on);
  • To design and implement the key technologies to:
  • manage the various datasets in a fairly generic way;
  • focus on geometric and time synch issues;
  • manage the high data stream coming from upcoming missions;
  • eventually package the data and deliver to the user harmonized multi-source multi-dimensional datasets ready to be used;
  • To conceive the data access framework architecture and scenarios for its deployment; this is a middle-tier layer which integrates on its back-end the external online data sources (Payload Data Ground Segments of configured missions), on its front-end the Web application user interfaces, and internally the data combination, caching, access, and sub-setting functionality;
  • To implement a demonstration environment through which heritage and current missions data shall be available, and in which the new data coming from missions becoming available during the project (e.g. ADM Aeolus, Sentinel 3 atmospheric products, Sentinel 5P data) shall be made available to the users;
Application Domain
Earth Observation
Technology Domain
2 - Space System Software
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document