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Automated biomonitoring of Air and Water quality in Human spacecraft

Programme Reference
Start Date
End Date
Automated biomonitoring of Air and Water quality in Human spacecraft

The objectives of the BIOSIS study funded by the General Studies Programme of ESA were: to review the biological risks for the crew due to biocontamination related to air and water quality, to identify knowledge gaps of non-detected / non-mitigated risks and to provide recommendations for future development of automated instrumentation. The work was shared in 5 tasks covering a review of the current knowledge and risks (WP1), a study of the remaining gaps and needs (WP2), a review (WP3) and trade-off (WP4) on possible ground technologies of interest and recommendations for future R&D for automated biomonitoring of air and water quality in manned spacecrafts (WP5). The study was a one year study, which started in 02/2013.

Executive summary