Characterisation of Demisable Materials

To perform a critical analysis of available re-entry monitoring campaign with focus on materials related aspects and issue a catalogue of demisable and non-demisable materials based on the currently available information.To identify the key parameters governing materials demise mechanisms. To define and formalise a standard materials characterization test campaign (for demise).To perform a materials characterization test campaign on currently available and selected spacecraft material and on initial identified demisable materials candidates.To generate and maintain a materials properties database to be regularly fed with newly generated data from the standardized test campaign.
Design for Demise is the intentional design of spacecraft hardware such that the spacecraft will completely ablate (demise) upon uncontrolled atmospheric re-entry during post-mission disposal, or even during unexpected re-entry due to critical system failure.Demisability has been identified as needed to reduce the risk of human causality and damage to property on Earth, and guarantee safety from satellite and spacecraft atmospheric re-entries. Since an uncontrolled re-entry mission that completely ablates does not require a provision for integrated re-entry capabilities, the proposed mission design will be significantly simpler and cheaper. Moreover, the mission unavailability risk due to the failure of an in-built controlled re-entry subsystem will be completely removed, improving mission on-orbit reliability and robustness.Instrumental to the realisation of a demisable spacecraft is the characterisation of the materials demise degradation mechanisms during the re-entry phases as well as the generation of a materials properties database which will be used for implementation in the aerothermodynamics and structural assessment numerical tools for accurate demisability predictions. The possibility of a component to reach the ground depends on many ways on the materials used in its construction where mass, shape, melting temperature, specific heat, heat of fusion play a major role.In the present study it is proposed, as a first step, to perform a detailed analysis and review of existing re-entry monitoring campaigns (for example, but not limited to, ATV) with particular focus on materials related aspects. A catalogue of ranking demisable and non-demisable materials shall be build but also a characterisation of re-entry environment conditions (e. g. temperature, pressure, etc.) and duration shall be defined.Based on the performed analysis a second phase of the study shall perform fundamental materials testing on currently available and used spacecraft materials, in order to identify and understand the basics mechanisms governing materials demise, in particular, aspects such as surface catalysis, ablation and melting properties as a function of flow pressure and temperature shall be systematically characterised and stored.A test campaign shall be defined and the methodology standardised: this will constitute a standard screening and comparison method for evaluating demisable materials. Possible demisable materials shall be identified and an initial set of candidates submitted to the defined test campaign.A database shall be built to collect the materials data characterised in the present and future test campaign activities.