De-risk assessment: Adjustable Cryo PCM blanket
Objective(s): De-Risking activity for the development of Adjustable Cryo PCM Blankets (ACPB) comprising: Identification and assessment of space applications; Derivation of requirements; Theoretical and experimental investigations on the feasibility of a freezing point depression according to Gibbs-Thomson; Thermal Performance Test;
Achievements and status: Space applications: 10 Space applications identified. 2 Space applications assessed with ESATAN Derivation of requirements: Development requirements have been established and demonstrator requirements derived. Investigations freezing point depression: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and DSC Breadboard Tests have shown, that freezing point depression according to Gibbs Thomson is not feasible in the required scale. Thermal Performance Test: Phase Change could not be clearly detected. Correlation with TMM has shown unfavorable side effects due to the current sealing solution. Refined test prediction with TMM has shown the expected thermal performance if the sealing and filling concept is optimized.