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Engineering Model of a laser altimeter for the AIM mission

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Engineering Model of a laser altimeter for the AIM mission
Development of the Engineering Model of a laser altimeter for the AIM mission, based on the Breadboard model developed for MREP.
The proposed activity is targeting the development of the Engineering Model of a laser altimeter suited for close proximity operations in missions to small-bodies, like AIM.
A laser altimeter is very beneficial to support close proximity operations due to its capability to support and improve orbit reconstruction performed by other means. Notably, experience from the Hayabusa mission has shown that orbit reconstruction errors without laser altimeter were comparable to the asteroid dimensions.
In addition, in previous missions, laser altimeters have demonstrated strong capabilities to monitor surface processes, especially those that lead to noticeable changes, redistribution of regolith, landslides, etc. Hence the value of the laser altimeter for asteroid scientific investigation, in particular the effects of DART impact.
A Breadboard model of a laser altimeter has been developed in the frame of MREP (under the ABPA and, mainly for planetary landing applications and targeting a high level of miniaturization (mass lt;1 kg and power lt;5 W), which shall serve as a starting point for this activity.
At the end of the activity the laser altimeter will reach a TRL level 6.
The activity will include the following tasks:
  • Review of the conclusions of the ABPA and EMPA studies and update of the altimeter requirements (functional, performance, interface, environmental, operational, etc.) in agreement with requirements and scenario of the AIM mission.
  • Definition and design specification of the Engineering Model based on an adaptation of the existing Breadboard design to the requirements of the AIM mission. In this task achievability of the required functionalities and performance will be assessed, also by means of a software model of the altimeter. A development and test plan will also be formulated.
  • Detailed design of the Engineering Model and EGSE, including interfaces to the spacecraft, covering optical, data handling, thermal, mechanical, structural, electrical, operational and electronics design aspects. Emphasis shall be put on miniaturization, use of ITAR-free components and re-configurability.
  • Engineering Model manufacturing consisting of parts procurement, assembly and integration. The corresponding EGSE is also fabricated.
  • Engineering Model testing, verification and validation. Tests will be performed both at parts and unit level in either laboratory or field tests. Field testing in a relevant environment is regarded as particularly important in achieving the target TRL.;
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Competence Domain
5-Radiofrequency & Optical Systems and Products
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document