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Aerothermodynamics Tools for System Integration

Programme Reference
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Aerothermodynamics Tools for System Integration

To prototype an AeroThermoDynamics (ATD) toolset for system integration during the flight vehicle engineering processes including tools for Geometry, Meshing, Modelling, and Boundary Conditions.


Assembly, Integration, and Testing (AIT) processes occur during the phases C and D of the engineering processes of a given flight vehicle. System integration processes take place at the level of engineering models, structural and thermal models, and qualification models of flight vehicles.The current ATD tools cover the phases 0, A, and part of the phase B (B1) for design, and development of flight vehicles. Beyond those phases, the current toolset is not able to cover tasks of system integration and testing (phases C, D). This is because the integration and testing flow of flight vehicles produces substantial amount of new data at each integration cycle that can not be input and processed using the current ATD toolset at the required latency and quality: structure integration data, thermal data, propulsion integration data, configuration data, etc.The current activity will prototype an ATD toolset to cover the system integration processes during the phase C and D of the development of a flight vehicle, including the integration processes of engineering models, structural and thermal models, and qualification models of flight vehicles.The activity encompasses the following tasks:- Identify functional, operational, interface, configuration, and design requirements for the toolset including Geometry Tools (the geometry and physical bounds are defined using CAD tools), Meshing Tools (volume occupied by the fluid or gas is divided into discrete cells the mesh), Modelling tools (fluid motion, enthalpy, radiation, species conservation), and Boundary conditions tools (specification of the fluid or gas behaviour and properties at all bounding surfaces of the fluid or gas domain). - Design and implement the toolset based on the trade off between improvement of the existing tools (especially CFD, CAD, tools) and development of new or missing ones.- Provide the simulation of a vehicle during integration. In this task the toolset shall be used to integrate a new flight system as a mean to validate the software.- Define the way forward to engineering model of the toolset.Software shall be delivered under an ESA Software Community Licence, so that any individuals or entities within ESA Member States can access to it and can provide update to the community of users.

Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
18 - Fluid Dynamics
Competence Domain
7-Propulsion, Space Transportation and Re-entry Vehicles
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary