De-risk assessment: Equatorial Satellite Constellation Derisking

The Equatorial Satellite Constellation Derisking (EQSATCONDR) project was aimed at assessing and demonstrating the business and technical feasibility of a dual HighThroughput Satellites (HTS) telecommunications and Earth Observation (EO) service over the Equatorial region, provided by a constellation of homogenous small satellites flying in equatorial Low Earth Orbits (LEO).
The de-risk activity has been focused on the critical aspects of the dual-service constellation and satellite, to remove the principal risks related to understanding the: - Market analysis in order to identify end-users for the proposed service - System concept and architecture definition, including payloads and their accommodation - Preliminary analysis of the dual service expected performances - Combined dual-service quality - Preliminary business case with the preliminary calculation of the total service cost. - Critical technologies identification, including the development plan and roadmaps defined for future activities The feasibility of the proposed service has been proven by simulation campaigns and analysis. This will further facilitate the impact of this concept and service, so as to establish a basis for investment in the satellite and constellation development.