GOMX4-B In-Orbit Demonstration Mission
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The objective of this activity is to flight demonstrate key nano-satellite constellation-related technologies in a 6-unit CubeSat platform called GOMX-4B. The platform will be equipped with a miniaturized propulsion system and S-band inter-satellite link transceiver, and will be launched and operated together in a tandem mission with the GOMX-4A CubeSat which is being developed under a Danish national programme. ;;;;CCN2 objectives: The objective of the first change is to perform an In-Orbit Demonstration of a miniaturised star tracker on the GOMX-4B IOD CubeSat mission. This additional work covers the development, production, testing and AIV support of Engineering and Proto Flight Models of the star tracker and the integration of the star tracker into the GOMX-4B system by the prime contractor GomSpace (DK). It also covers the star tracker operation during the mission and operational support/post-flight analysis.
RACE is a GSTP Element 3 funded, in-orbit demonstration mission (IOD). The satellite will fly in low Earth orbit to demonstrate, for the first time, the capability of nano-satellite systems to perform close proximity operations (rendezvous, docking or close fly around) with different targets, using critical miniaturised technologies. These technologies are currently under development in Europe such as relative navigation sensors, control actuators, and docking mechanisms. The most recent activity confirmed the technical and operational feasibility of the mission, taking into account the ongoing GSTP technology development of the 6 degrees-of-freedom cold gas propulsion system. RACE phase A/B has been completed.
The GOMX-4A mission is supported by the Danish Ministry of Defence as a flight demonstrator/operational pre-cursor for a potential future operational nano-satellite constellation system providing low latency situational awareness in the Arctic region. The 6-unit GOMX-4A CubeSat is designed and developed by GomSpace and DTU Space. It builds upon the platform/payload technologies previously developed and soon to be demonstrated with the GSTP-funded 3-unit GOMX-3 CubeSat mission (reconfigurable software defined radio, 3-axis attitude control system) to be deployed from ISS in September 2015. GOMX-4A will carry RF payloads for ship and aircraft tracking, as well as detection of ship-borne radar emissions.
The GOMX-4B mission takes advantage of the GOMX-4A project in order to de-risk miniaturized technologies and demonstrate system-level capabilities that will enable the controlled deployment, operation and maintenance of future operational constellation systems based on CubeSats. In particular, GOMX-4B will use an on-board propulsion system to perform along-track station acquisition manoeuvres relative to GOMX-4A up to separation distances representative of an operational constellation (approximately 2000-4000 km). The relative attitudes of the two satellites will then be controlled to demonstrate differential drag station-keeping manoeuvres. S-band Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) transceivers will be embarked on both GOMX-4A and GOMX-4B ;and operated at these long distances in order to demonstrate low latency payload data relay to ground stations located in Danish territory. Finally, the ship radar detection payload will also be embarked on GOMX-4B in order to perform ship geo-location experiments in a multi-static receiver configuration.
Whilst the ISL transceivers are developed by GomSpace under national Ramp;D funding and provided as in-kind contributions, the propulsion system is to be traded-off and selected according to the constellation mission requirements as part of the Phase A/B activity (funded by Denmark in the frame of the GSTP 6.3 TFO accommodation studies). Additionally, the GOMX-4B platform has some available resources to accommodate third party technology payloads, and these are also to be selected during the Phase A/B activity within the frame of the Open Call for Technology Flight Opportunities (GSTP 6.3).
As the GOMX-4B Phase A/B will be performed as a GSTP 6.3 TFO accommodation study, the tasks for this activity will cover the implementation phase (Phases C/D and E/F) including:
- Platform detailed design, including adaptation from GOMX-4A configuration to accommodate the propulsion system, and ISL transceiver/antenna, and third party technology payload(s)
- Propulsion system delta-development amp; qualification to adapt to the mission needs
- Flight software development for the tandem mission
- Platform manufacture, assembly, integration and test
- Payload integration in the platform
- Satellite qualification and acceptance including environmental testing
- Launch procurement and launch campaign
- Satellite operations from existing CubeSat ground segment in Denmark.
;(ESA/IPC(2018)63: CCN 2 scope: There are two changes to the activity. The objective of the first change is to perform an In-Orbit Demonstration of a miniaturised star tracker on the GOMX-4B IOD CubeSat mission. This additional work covers the development, production, testing and AIV support of Engineering and Proto Flight Models of the star tracker and the integration of the star tracker into the GOMX-4B system by the prime contractor GomSpace (DK). It also covers the star tracker operation during the mission and operational support/post-flight analysis.
The procurement approach for the first change to the activity involves a direct negotiation with GomSpace (DK) with Innovative Solutions in Space BV (NL) as a subcontractor. The cost is covered by GSTP. The schedule for the proposed work is 9 months.
The second change relates to the implementation and test of a Direct Spread Spectrum communication technology on nanosatellites. During the GOMX-4 project, it was discovered that, to communicate between two nanosatellites in the specified orbit, it is required to implement a method to avoid that the ITU regulations are violated. To resolve this challenge, it is agreed to implement a DSS communication technology which ensures that the ITU regulations are not violated and the mission of communicating between the two satellites on a distance of up to 4500 km is achievable. The additional work and deliverables include: the DSS system design, the integration of DSS modem block into the current Modem SW environment, the DSS system design documentation, the configuration of the DSS modem for inter-satellite link and the test of the implementation on ground and the test of the implementation in space.
For the second change to the activity, it is proposed to use a direct negotiation with the Cubesat prime, Gomspace (DK) since this is a system prime work. The cost for this additional work is to be covered by the SME Office. The Software will be uploaded to the satellite, after the launch, during the commissioning phase for testing and validation.
The schedule for the proposed work is 4 months.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
8 - System Design & Verification
Competence Domain
2-Structures, Mechanisms, Materials, Thermal
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary
Executive Summary