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WASDI - Web-based ASI Social SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure)

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Fondazione ACROTEC
Start Date
End Date
The proposed activity focuses on the development of ground segment technologies enabling new software tools in support of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI), aimed at enabling distribution and sharing of data products generated by ASI, to the community of users of the National Collaborative Ground Segment, which includes virtually institutional, technological and scientific bodies.

In-cloud image processing used for civil protection and employed by World Bank.

An in-cloud image processing software built by a GSTP Element 1 activity with Italy has already been employed by the World Bank. Currently, the tools available on the market to view, edit and process Earth Observation images are mostly desktop-based. But, as high performance computing progresses, there is more and more need for Earth Observation image processing to be moved onto the cloud, to minimise data transfer.

This new activity wanted to implement a tool that can let Earth Observation image experts work directly in the cloud without needing to download and process images on their PC first. Called WASDI, the prototype is already available online: users can register to access the platform, create their own workspaces, search and import Earth Observation images from different catalogues, manipulate images, create and run workflows, publish images on maps and search for new possible acquisitions in the future.

Users can also develop their own processors and deploy the algorithms on the cloud. The WASDI prototype has also been installed on the Copernicus satellite system. At the same time, WASDI is hosting operational Earth Observation services for the Italian Civil Protection (floods, forest fire) and pre-operational services for the World Bank (Continuous Flood Monitoring System for Risk Transfer).

The project shall focus on technologies, components and architectures and their benchmarking and harmonization. The resulting end-to-end system and infrastructure should enable access to Earth Observation data thanks to the selection, and development of technologies related to interoperability (based on emerging Open Geospatial Consortium standards) finalized at the provision of following components/services:
  • A service for browsing catalogs from ASI and all other data providers cooperating with the Agency, being of interest to the user community.
  • A service for publishing data and information (data as service) composed of the main tool for the processing, rendering, with the integration of different sources.
  • A workplace for geographic 2D and 3D data visualization, remotely accessed via the Internet, and for integration with other useful information of interest to the various application domains involved (data access "Google-like").
The result of this technology development shall result in and architecture capable to include a number of application tools integrated into a single portal interface able to provide specific data visualization, management and elaboration functionality, also considering user privileges and profile.
The portal will be used as an access point to the emerging Collaborative Ground Segment that ASI is building at the center of Matera. To this extent, it will contribute to the ASI main objective to maintain an "Earth Situation Awareness" center in Matera at disposal of institutions and citizens having interest in developing new services, also through innovative start-up.
Application Domain
Earth Observation
Technology Domain
2 - Space System Software
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary
Executive Summary