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Harmonising MBSE standards into ECSS – Model-Based System Engineering – Study Scheme

Programme Reference
CGI Deutschland B.V.
Start Date
End Date
Harmonising MBSE standards into ECSS – Model-Based System Engineering – Study Scheme

ESA has traditionally specified space systems using a document-based approach, and is now in a transition process towards the digitalisation of systems engineering activities. At the same time, space industry companies have their own internal set of best practices and experience with Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE).

To solve this problem, ESA initiated this study led by CGI in partnership with OHB to identify a way to harmonise the different MBSE approaches from industry and compile the information into a concise book.

In this study, different MBSE approaches, methods, and tools were documented in the context of space systems and the commonalities and differences are highlighted in relation to applying MBSE in space applications. The study looked into model governance, requirement management, problem space/specification, and solution space/design. Additionally it presents the relation between the MBSE modelling artefacts against the ECSS deliverables as defined in the ECSS-E-10 standard. Finally, the study provides a way forward in the production of ECSS conformant documentation, using the contents of a model as the only source.

Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
Executive summary