Impact of anomalies and non-conformances on future requirement formulations
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

Provide a tool linking information from production, assembly, integration and product assurance activities to the early requirement definition and design environment, to prevent anomalies caused by insufficient or improper requirements and weak concept design solutions
A systematic implementation of lessons learned for the definition and specification of projects is currently missing and relying on availability of experienced engineers in the early design phases. This jeopardizes the possibility to prevent production delays generated by specific requirements and design solutions adopted in the early project phases.
Several databases exist, singularly covering specific identified use cases. Sharing information across them, widening the repository with additional data and enabling the injection of such information into a digital design environment would enable the opportunities to improve future projects end-to-end development.
It is needed to develop a software tool and associated interfaces to existing databases, aimed at collecting information related to root causes of anomalies and non-conformances encountered during production, assembly, integration as well as early operation phases. The tool shall allow extraction from heterogeneous sources and structuring of the information in order to support further exploitation and use in a Digital Design Environment.
The activity encompasses the following tasks:
- Analyze data from the existing Model- and Test Effectiveness Database (MATED), in particular capture trends with regard to root causes of anomalies having an impact on the design, production, schedule or budget of space elements and equipment
- Investigate how to make efficient use of existing databases / tools and their potential synergies, such as CEMAT, Lean Engineering, MATED, FASSADE, DRMUST,NCTS and others, with the aim to harmonize and capitalize on previous activities.
- Develop interface links among existing databases and study the potential of such information repository in a digital integrated design environment like the ESTEC CDF
- Derive guidelines on requirement formulations and design definitions to ensure a flawless production and verification process
- Propose activities to further develop the concept of improving the production phases by acting on the early design phases;
Software shall be delivered under an ESA Software Community Licence, so that any individuals or entities within ESA Member States can access to it and can provide update to the community of users.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
25 - Quality, Dependability and Safety
8 - System Design & Verification
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
40-Design to Produce
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document