Improvement, Automated Source-code-based Testing
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Dr. Rainer Gerlich BSSE System and Software Engineering
Start Date
End Date
The objectives of this activity are to address improvements to the FAST (Flow- Optimised Source-code Based Testing) approach as identified in a previous GSTP-activity:
- Correctness and completeness of automatically identified faults.
- Requirements-based Testing.
- Coding Standard sensitivity.
- Open tool interface.
State-of-the-art in automated unit/integration testing is a semi-automated approach for which the test environment is established manually, while execution of tests is automated. In contrast to that, the FAST approach already automates building of the test environment and the stimulation of the software, complemented by recording of input-output vectors, observed properties, anomalies and evaluation by metrics and filtering algorithms. Its use at the end of the development cycle of some space projects demonstrated the potential for identifcation of faults not being found before after completion of the current verfication processes. However, also a potential for further improvments was identified, especially to better fit with the requirements-based testing process.
The following tasks shall be done in the frame of this activity:
- The identified improvements shall be analysed wrt to requirements and implementation.
- The capability of FAST approach to support requirements-based testing shall be analysed, further improvements of FAST approach to be identified and wrt to requirements and implemented.
- The interface to support integration with other verification / test tools already in use in the ESA software development cycle shall be identified to support automation of manual activities in such tools and to benefit from their existing capabilities like certification.
- A development plan shall be established and agreed this followed by implementation phase.
- The results of the achieved improvements shall be demonstrated at the end through re-assessment through an already assessed SW.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
2 - Space System Software
Competence Domain
3-Avionic Systems
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Final Presentation