Improvement of energetic solar heavy ion environment models

Relativistic solar protons and ions are responsible for single event and cumulated effect on all orbits. Current models have strong limitations especially regarding ion composition and energy spectra, and accessibility to low altitude, as identified by industry in harmonisation. This activity will use recent data to improve models and so address these limitations.
Establish a reference ion data set and improve the Solar Energetic Particle Environment Modelling (SEPEM) model to include better prediction of ion composition and energy spectra, and transport across the geomagnetic field. This will include the ingestion of new data sets, the quality control and cleaning of the data (de-spiking, gap filling, saturation compensation, etc.), the interpolation to required energy values and augmentation with LET (Si, GaAs) values. A reference data set will be established along with a reference solar ion event list to allow custom Single Event Effects (SEE) analyses to be efficiently performed with adapted SEPEM tools.