Material Properties under cryogenic conditions (LH2/GH2 and LOx/GOx)

To characterize the mechanical, fatigue and fracture mechanical behavior of promising materials like Al-Li alloys, Composites, Additive Manufactured alloys, Fibre Metal Laminates under cryogenic conditions (LH2/GH2 and LOx/GOx) and generate design data to be made available through a web-based European cryogenic material database.
Test data on material properties and material performance under cryogenic conditions are increasingly required or current and future research, development and application activities (e.g. launcher propulsion systems). The very limited available data base does currently not cover new advanced metallic alloys, composite materials or materials manufactured with new processes e.g. Additive Manufacturing as selected and required for the next generation launcher and spacecraft missions. For most of the new materials, inclusive processes and handling, data on material properties and material performance under cryogenic conditions, especially hydrogen, are either missing or inadequate, leading to the implementation of high and unnecessary design margins with consequent weight penalties.It is therefore needed to generate reliable data for cryogenic conditions without the need for extrapolations or assumptions, by performing the tests :such as Tensile, Bending, Torsion and Compression, Fracture toughness, Fatigue and Fatigue Crack Propagation, Open hole/filled hole tensile and compression, Interlaminar shear strength. Results will be made available to the European space community through a dedicated database, fast accessible via the internet. This activity encompasses the following tasks :- Selection of relevant material- Definition of test plan and procedures- Test and analysis- Definition, implementation and delivery of a web based database