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Mission Preparation Environment (MORE) Evolution

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
The objective of the activity is to explore the capability to manage the complex and varying nature of non-static configuration, context and user-modified data within a real-time mission control system environment. While there has been considerable advances in the processing of real-time data in online systems, and more recently in the handling of configuration data offline, this third category has received less attention but is increasingly fundamental to the highly dynamic and inter-connected nature of today's mission operation systems.
A recently completed activity in the offline preparation environment for managing the database, procedure and other "static" configuration data, has demonstrated a considerable advances through innovative concepts combined with latest technology, resulting in the MORE framework, specifically including the MORE Data Store (MDS). The success of this study has raised new questions about vunerability of the online system to local, dynamic configuration changes.
Examples include user desktop configurations, mission planning context and rules, local/temporary modifications of database, test/operational procedures, system operating modes, miscellaneous user-modified files, etc. Each of these data affect the behaviour of the runtime operational system, hence a modification is also a possible source of error and needs to be carefully controlled.
Although designed for the offline enviroment, the MDS also provides the basis for a good solution for the real-time context. However some additional challenges of the online environment need to be addressed, including the semi-real time nature of some updates, a different kind of workflow authorisation cycle, the need to allow unrestricted updates in "emergency" situations and the simultaneous, coordinated distribution of updates over the distributed systems.
In carefully controlling the online environment, the framework could potentially have a key role in supporting the future evolution and transition from established ground segment infrastructure, such as MICONYS, to the future EGS-CC. ESA's own objective is to retain key systems such as the EGOS User Desktop and other front end applications throughout the transision.
The activity will evaluate the special needs for the online environments, harmonise concepts and implementations and select the appropriate technological approaches to tackle the needs not covered by existing infrastructure and operational implementations. Some emphasis will be placed on producing open interface specifications (ICDs) to promote wider acceptance and usage of the framework. Potential candidates missions to prototype MORE are Earth Care, Euclid or SOLO.
The activity will coordinate with other activities that are expected to be happening in parallel, such as the technology roadmaps for:
- System Data Repository.
- Functional Verification and Mission Operation Systems.
Further development and productisation of applications developed as part of this
activity will be done within the HSO Investment Plan with the objective to bring the
applications from TRL level 7 to TRL 8-9.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary