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Nano-enabled CFRP for space applications

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
RUAG Space Germany GmbH
Start Date
End Date
Nano-enabled CFRP for space applications
The objective of this activity is to validate through the design, manufacturing and testing of an elegant breadboard / engineering model the benefit brought by nano- enabled CFRP for space applications.
The overall activity has been approved under the Strategic Initiative Work Plan (ref. ESA/IPC(2013)118,rev.2).
A unique capability is under deployment at Adamant Composite Ltd (GR). This company possesses the knowledge to confer a set of improved characteristics to CFRPs using Resin Transfer Moulding or hand lay-up methods. However, to demonstrate the added value brought by Adamant Composites a structural part shall be manufactured and tested. The results shall then be compared with the current state-of-the-art composite technology.
The aim of this GSTP activity is to involve a partner that could act as a customer and cooperate with Adamant Composite Ltd to achieve the above mentioned results. In particular, the company shall be able to gear the design of the demonstrator and provide the top level requirements.
The tasks to be performed within this activity are the following:
  • Task 1: Trade-off and preliminary selection of the most relevant space application demonstrators. Establishment of high level requirements.
  • Task 2: Manufacturing and characterisation of selected nano-enable CFRPscapable of addressing the requirements established in Task 1.
  • Task 3: Detailed design of the most promising demonstrator from the output of Task 1 and Task 2.
  • Task 4: Manufacturing and testing of the demonstrator selected in Task 3 ? further developments paths.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
24 - Materials and Manufacturing Processes
Competence Domain
2-Structures, Mechanisms, Materials, Thermal
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary