Novel thermal energy storage and electricity generation for Moon exploration

One of the most critical points in the exploration of space beyond Earth orbit is the provision of systems which ensure the survival of both crew and technological assets, such as rovers an landers. The utilisation of the Moon, being the next logical step in implementing the global strategy for colonising the Solar System, is a focus of national and international space agencies.
In accordance with these two points, the first main objective of this project was to assess the potential of thermal energy storage systems as means of supporting future lunar exploration scenarios. In a more concise definition, the main objective is to perform numerical and experimental studies for the design of an efficient technology for storing thermal energy, and reusing it to produce electricity in situ.
Compared to the environment of the International Space Station, a now established working environment for humankind, the Moon's is much harsher. Given that the lunar night can last, depending on the location, for up to 14 earth days, surface temperatures can vary between 100 K and 400 K. This makes any system designed for lunar applications complex and constrained by many factors. In order to address these challenges, a novel heat storage and electricity generation system has to be designed and studied.