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One Operation Data Systems Infrastructure for all ESA space assets

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One Operation Data Systems Infrastructure for all ESA space assets
To specify an open and reusable architecture for the next generation operational data systems for distributed multi asset operations in support of a wide spectrum of mission scenarios
There are a number of robotic missions in the definition phase at present, targeting the Moon and Mars, in orbit servicing, active debris removal and Lunar outpost . These mission scenarios require a new set of capabilities related to distributed, multi-asset mission operation concepts.
In the satellite operations domain, a European multi-mission capability has been developed over the last two decades in the form of a reference ground segment architecture, based on international standards and a customisable suite of software systems for mission planning, simulation, monitoring and control, data dissemination and other capabilities related to mission operations. The ESA investment in this infrastructure has led to an open and competitive market of more than 60 European companies with expertise in development, maintenance and operation of the related systems for a wide range of institutional and commercial space missions.
In the area of robotic operations, human operations as well as multi-asset operations there is no current generic and reusable European reference architecture. The current solutions are proprietary and mission specific.
In the absence of a common solution serving all use cases, ESA have adopted different approaches for development of the corresponding operational capabilities.
The objective of this study is to define a harmonised architecture for new capabilities of operational data systems in support of the above mentioned mission scenarios.
This activity encompasses the following tasks:
- Perform a requirements analysis of the mentioned mission scenarios
- Perform a mapping of the requirements related to distributed multi-asset operations to existing capabilities of ESA mission operations infrastructure
- Devise extensions points based on current existing and next generation ESA operations infrastructure for enabling the adoption of a common architecture/solution
- Perform technology trade-offs by means of Proof of Concept prototypes to accommodate the necessary versatility of the target architecture without compromising on the overall system complexity
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document