Operational migration to multi-mission control system
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The objective is to explore and demonstrate migration approaches for critical operational systems (such as the Mission Control System or the Ground Station Monitoring and Control Systems) from the current generation to the new ground segment developments, hosting and supporting multiple missions.
Long-lasting missions currently in operations using the old generation of control systems will face obsolescence of these critical systems in the next decade. The adoption of the new generation systems as well as their hosting in shared infrastructure providing multi-mission services will bring a solution to the obsolescence problem while enabling a significantly more efficient process to maintain and evolve the control systems.
Cloud computing and the ?Software as a Service (SasS)? paradigm has gained momentum in recent years. Instead of dedicated deployments, software and computing resources can be more efficiently provided through centrally hosted services. The same paradigm can now also be applied at application level, using recently developed technologies enabling automated and incremental deployment of scalable systems. The proposed activity will investigate how such models may be adopted at the operational level and how this may be achieved based on the new generation control systems. The main challenges relate to the need of converting data and migrating a system 'during continuous operations' as well as to the capability of consolidating multiple independent control systems within the same cloud computing platform. Issues related to the synchronization of common software components shall also be addressed.
The main output will be an operational demonstrator of feasibility and adequacy of the selected approach. The focus will be on how multi-mission Mamp;C services can be evolved from dedicated mission specific deployments to a model based on shared services and resources.
The activity main tasks will be :
- Analysis of Cloud technologies and their possible deployments to support the provision of shared (multi-mission) operational services,
- System level architectural design analysing in particular the security and reliability architectural implications for ground segment based systems,
- Definition of processes related to development, maintenance, deployment and operations,
- Analysis and selection of the migration approach for systems in operations,
Production of an operational demonstrator providing adequate confidence in the adequacy of the select migration approach.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
43-EGS Common Core
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document
Final Presentation