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Optical and SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models ? Follow-On (OSIRIS-FO)

Programme Reference
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Start Date
End Date
Optical and SAR data and system Integration for Rush Identification of Ship models ? Follow-On (OSIRIS-FO)
The objective of this activity is to develop an evolution of the OSIRIS prototype, in order to improve some of its functionalities and move towards an operational use of the tool.
THE OSIRIS prototype provides an integrated open-source platform for exploiting remote sensing satellite images, in combination with AIS data, to perform ship identification and classification, analysis of ship kinematic and behavior, and ship route prediction. The proposed activity shall address the improvement of the following OSIRIS processing modules: ;
    • Ship Detection: Reduce the processing time; ;
    • Data Processing for Exchange: Reduce the number of matching tests; ;
    • Ship Classification: Increase ground-truth set to refine the classification; ;
    • Ship Kinematic Extraction: Perform an error analysis based on further experiments; ;
    • Ship Behaviour Analysis: Improve the SBA algorithm to refine matching performances; ;
    • Ship Route Prediction: Improvement of the SRP algorithm to avoid the ;
direction error;
    • WebGIS: Improve the performances of the WebGIS application; ;
    • Control Panel: Allow operators to schedule product download from data hubs and improve its usability. ;
The improved chain will be optimized to ingest and process the Sentinel-1 radar data. Furthermore, the project shall perform an analysis of possible use of thermal imagery (TIR) to support ship detection (both for diurnal and nocturnal satellite overpass) and hot spot detection (e.g. for emergency services), complementing SAR and Optical sensors. The analysis will be performed on Landsat 8 TIR images and on a new generation of sensor mounted on nanosatellite. Such type of comparison should also permit to identify new requirements in view of next generation of thermal sensors (HR-TIR) for maritime applications.
The following tasks shall be carried out:
    • Analyse the requirements for the new functionalities to be implemented; ;
    • Derive the technical specifications for the software components to be implemented or improved; ;
    • Design and development on new components;
    • Integrate developed components into the OSIRIS prototype; ;? ;Validate and demonstrate the new functionalities..
Application Domain
Earth Observation
Technology Domain
2 - Space System Software
Competence Domain
9-Digital Engineering
3-Platforms / Others
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document