Redesign of the ESA Deep Space Antennas feed system to support future Moon missions

Future ESA and International Moon missions will be operated in K-Band (22.55-23.15 GHz in uplink and 25.5-27 GHz in downlink). Present ESA Deep Space Antennas (DSA) are not able to cover these frequency bands. Goal of this activity is the re-design of the ESA 35m DSA feed systems in order to add Moon support capability.
New L2 missions like Euclid and Plato will require high data rate reception in K-Band downlink (26 GHz). A new X/K-Band coaxial feed system was developed in a previous TRP activity and it will be deployed in the next years in DSA2 (Cebreros, Spain) and DSA3 (Malargue, Argentina). This feed system architecture will be considered the starting point for the re-design of a new feed system that will allow simultaneous uplink (22 GHz) and downlink (26 GHz).It is intended to trade-off at least two alternative feed system architectures and to perform the detailed design of the selected one. In the frame of the work a breadboard of selected critical items will be manufactured and tested (e.g. dichroic mirror, multi-frequency feed horn, etc.) thus enabling to de-risk the procurement of a new feed system..The activity encompasses the following tasks:- Collect and refine antenna requirements to support future Moon missions- Identify as a minimum two alternative feed system architectures and perform a trade-off.- Perform the preliminary design of the selected feed system architecture. - Perform the detailed design of the feed system architecture.- Develop and test breadboard of identified critical items.