Tri-band (S/X/K) multi-frequency radome for Earth Observation missions

To design a new radome to be used in artic regions to cover 6-13m class antennas operating in S/X/K-Band to support present and future EO missions.
Currently EO missions are operated in S/X-Band with payload data in X-Band. New EO missions will have payload data in K-Band and TTC still in S-Band. In the long term TTC will be moved to X-Band still keeping payload data in K-Band. Presently only US suppliers are able to provide antenna radomes operating over different frequency bands. It is intended to develop an European alternative to US suppliers in the domain of high/multi-frequency application like the one needed for future Earth Observation missions. This activity encompasses the following tasks: - A trade-off will be performed between metal space frame and multi-layer radomes in order to select the best solution both from a mechanical/thermal and electrical point of view. - Design will be performed and few samples of the selected configuration will be manufactured and tested to assess achieved mechanical and electrical performance. - A test report covering both mechanical/thermal and electrical performance will be prepared. - Impact on the antenna RF performance will be evaluated. - Costing analysis for few sizes will be elaborated considering production, testing and on site installation. As reference site Svalbard island will be considered.