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Space Rated Microcontroller Softcore - Product development.

Programme Reference
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End Date
The objective of the proposed activity is to perform all necessary steps tasks will enable mature the PicoSkyFT processor.
These tasks included functionality improvements, implementation of additional features, finalization of the development of the processor companion tools and provision of a stable release, and finally to perform a validation campaign on a reference design (proposed: a TTamp;C standard board for small missions), to ultimately test technology robustness
In the current space market the increasing systems complexity poses great challenges to architects, designers and verification engineers. Systems requirements are continuously asking more functionality with less power, less resources, less time and cost, forcing suppliers to shrink their schedules. One important aspect that is becoming more and more critical nowadays is a 'first time right' design that can be scalable and adaptable to special needs, leveraging on the reuse of building blocks which are highly configurable and already validated. ;One of these building blocks that may make a real change in the current space market is a microcontroller thanks to their flexibility, the low cost and the great variety of technical solutions these devices may offer.
PicoSkyFT soft-core processor has been especially designed to address the market needs and at the same time a lack of small soft-core processor and become a man in the middle, between full fledges LEON like processors and complex state machines in overly loaded FPGAs. As mentioned, PicoSkyFT processor is a soft-core, radiation hardened by design and technology independent, which makes it highly valuable element for systems where decrees of FPGAs complexity and increased reusability is important aspect. The PicoSkyFT soft-core processor is the only radiation hardened by design small-core processor in Europe and the processor technology and know-how is solely in European ownership.
The following tasks shall be done in the frame of this activity:
  • PicoSkyFT processor modifications and functional improvements. Including system level analysis and consolidation of the PicoSkyFT requirements. ;
  • PicoSkyFT radiation characterization in heavy ion beam. The objective of the task is to take a step further in testing processor fault tolerance. Heavy ion beam induces higher rates of SEU and SET in the FPGA fabric registers.Testing campaign with heavy ion upon success would consequently provide high confidence level into technology fault tolerance and provide an important milestone for PicoSkyFT market. Consequently, the successful testing campaign would confirm its applicability also for orbits that are not only proton dominated (MEO and GEO).
  • PicoSkySIM software release. Among others, PicoSkySIM c-code shall be refactored in order to have single executable file for PicoSkySIM simulator and the PicoSkySIM should provide an open interface for peripherals, in order to enable custom peripherals development to users. ;
  • PicoSkyFT-TestSuite modifications and release. TestSuite shall be extended to provide a verification and validation of SoC design on gate level simulation .
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
1 - On-board Data Subsystems
Competence Domain
3-Avionic Systems
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document