State-of-the-art user interaction with a digital system model

To exploit state-of-the-art technologies for the most effective interaction (display, reporting) with a system digital model, especially during reviews in a concurrent environment.
A key objective of the Model-Based for System Engineering (MBSE) roadmap is to use MBSE to improve reviews conducted within the Agency. To date, the Agency has some limited experience with this; nonetheless, a standardised process has not yet been developed. In addition, the current tools and processes do not encourage easy interaction with models for users who are not experienced modellers. Digital modelling literacy is low across the wider Agency, and will likely remain so in the coming years. As such, processes and tools need to be developed to facilitate easy and effective user interaction with models, in a way that is seamless and invisible for non-modellers.The aim of the proposed activity is to investigate all available means to improve the Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) between non-expert users and a digital model. Based on this initial assessment, a prototype of such a user interface environment should be developed.The activity encompasses the following tasks:- Assess the current gap between digital modelling and the needs of non-expert users for interacting with such digital models. Features to be addressed should support e.g. display, interaction and reporting from such a digital model. This task shall be based on the state-of-the-art in HMI practice, coupled to an assessment of the specific user needs required to be supported. A particular focus should be placed on technologies to support Agency reviews conducted in a concurrent manner.- Investigate state-of-the-art technologies (such as advanced 3D visualisation, AR/VR, holograms, AI-supported methods, etc) and their suitability for supporting user interaction with a digital model. Assess, for both the state-of-the-art and more established technologies, which are best suited to meet the user needs identified in Task 1. The effectiveness of the HMI is the key criterion here, and innovative solutions are to be supported. - Development of a methodology for how best to support non-expert user interactions with digital models.- Based on the outcomes of Tasks 1 and 3, develop a prototype of such a user interaction environment. The prototype shall be able to integrate with the Model-Based Engineering Hub (MBEH) (activity T708-604SY) as the interface between the modelling tools and the user interaction environment.These user interaction tools would enable/enhance the 'Data Consumer' capabilities of the MBSE System Factory, and could exploit data exchanged via the Digital Engineering Hub. It shall also build on previous Agency activities in this area.