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Flight data analysis of TDP#8 radiation experiment on board Alphasat

Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date
The purpose of this activity is to collect and analyse in-flight data generated by the Component Technology Test Bed (CTTB) flying on Alphasat as the Technology Demonstration Payload #8. Data from three separate experiments shall be collected and analysed. The experiments on board the CTTB are, fiber optical links, flash memories and GaN technologies. The in-flight data analysis shall be performed in conjunction with an assessment of current ground based Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) processes. This assessment shall identify whether current RHA processes shall be updated.
Under a previous ESA contracts a combined component technology demonstration and component radiation effects experiment in addition to a radiation environment instrument was designed, developed and manufactured. This equipment consists of a Component Technology Test Bed (CTTB) and the radiation monitoring instrument MFS. The first flight model, named Technology Demonstration Payload#8 (TDP#8), is currently flying on Alphasat since July 2013. The CTTB contains three radiation effects experiments. The first experiment concerns the technology demonstration of a medium speed fiber optical link, the second experiment is the technology demonstration of GaN technologies and the last experiment concerns a memory based Single Event Effects (SEE) experiment which also doubles up as a technology demonstration of high density flash memories. In addition to extensive design, development and manufacturing work, in-flight validation and commissioning of the TDP#8 has successfully been completed. A follow-on contract was subsequently initiated to set-up a TDP#8 flight data centre and develop the data analysis tool required to process the important in-flight data produced by the CTTB.
This activity is proposed to complete the extensive work perform to manufacture and fly the TDP#8 on the Alphasat, set-up an in-flight data centre and prepare the in-flight data analysis tool. Thus the proposed activity represents a conclusion where generated in-flight data is analysed to answer questions such as the viability of novel technologies for space application and the validity of European Radiation Harness Assurance processes. It is foreseen that the in-flight data produced by the TDP#8 will be analysed for the duration of its nominal lifetime.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
23 - Electrical, Electronic and Electro-mechanical (EEE) Components and Quality
Competence Domain
10-Astrodynamics, Space Debris and Space Environment
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document
Executive Summary