Global Radiation Belt prototype for LEO constellations
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

To produce a radiation belt model specific to the low Earth orbit constellations similar in philosophy to the ECSS standard model for Geostationary missions (IGE-2006).
Telecommunication services in the mid Earth orbit range (1000 km -gt; 10000 km altitude) are becoming increasingly common and flying in regions where the standard radiation belt models exhibit great uncertainties. Previous studies have shown the trapped proton models to be grossly underestimating the high energy fluxes in the environment; and the trapped electron models may be overstating the fluxes of energetic electrons within the region. The result of these uncertainties is the underestimation of single event effects and degradation of components from protons, and the over engineering of spacecraft due to the electron environment predictions. In geostationary orbits, the ECSS standard electron model is the IGE-2006. The design of this model, proving mean and upper case scenarios, ensures that the resulting environment specification is realistically conservative; preventing costly additional shielding (mass) requirements. Radiation belt models for these constellations with drastically improved accuracy and designed around the existing Radiation Hardness Assurance policies will enable industry to confidently build and operate spacecraft with less stringent requirements on components, and further extend the potential for use of COTS parts. This will result in significant cost savings for future generations of telecommunications satellites. ;This activity is a prototype precursor for the global radiation belt modelling initiative, but targeting LEO/MEO communication constellations and establishing the best radiation modelling design methodologies to carry forward. ;
This activity encompasses the following tasks:
- Review of the present state of the art of local and global radiation belt models.
- Gap analysis of available data sets from previous activities with a focus on the LEO/MEO region.
- Identification of baseline strategies for building a global model including use of statistical and physics-based methods.
- Design of the prototype model.
- Validation and verification of the model for software reliability/robustness and comparisons with data and other existing models with focus on the LEO/MEO region. ;
The output shall be an alpha version of a global radiation belt model with associated documentation and user guide.
Application Domain
Technology Domain
4-Space Systems Environments and Effects
Competence Domain
10-Astrodynamics, Space Debris and Space Environment
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL