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Large-area staring kinetic inductance focal plane array operating at elevated temperature

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Large-area staring kinetic inductance focal plane array operating at elevated temperature
The objective of this activity is to develop novel, large-format staring focal plane array compatible with detector technologies for multi-band THz imaging systems. A multi-frequency Focal Plane Array (FPA) based on novel detectors like Equilibrium Kinetic Inductance detectors shall be manufactured and tested.
Imaging at frequencies in the Terahertz (THz) region of the electromagnetic spectrum has progressed rapidly in the past few years and even commercial terrestrial systems have started to emerge. Lately there is significant interest in stand-off detection and imaging. The technology push is aimed at the development of multi-element multi-frequency THz cameras with high image and spectral resolution. These systems will find wide-spread use in both space and terrestrial applications.
Recent developments in the field of Equilibrium Kinetic Inductance Detector have shown promising results in order to achieve large 2D Focal Plane Array staring configurations. The capability of multiplexing large number of pixels would allow removing any scanning mechanism, as it was the case in previous developments, increasing the integration time and therefore the sensitivity in radiometric resolution.
Although the viability of the detector principle has been demonstrated using a single pixel and small arrays, the main issue in the near-future development is to meet with the scalability requirements for the application.
A multi-frequency FPA based on novel detectors like Equilibrium Kinetic Inductance detectors shall be manufactured and tested. In particular the steps of the activity will be:
  • Critical review and consolidation of the requirements of the FPA.
  • Trade-off analysis and selection of the baseline design.
  • Critical breadboarding and test activities.
  • Detailed design.
  • Manufacturing, integration and testing.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
7 - Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques
Competence Domain
5-Radiofrequency & Optical Systems and Products
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Achieved TRL
Public Document