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Magnetic Field Perturbations by Thermo-Electric Effects

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Magnetic Field Perturbations by Thermo-Electric Effects

The technical activities covered in this project allowed the creation of several numerical tools that can predict the thermoelectric/thermomagnetic response to different thermal loading conditions, material properties (thermal and electrical) and geometrical configurations.

Several numerical studies were performed using both commercial and dedicated numerical analysis procedures for the assessment of the thermoelectric behaviour of simple geometries under specific thermal loading conditions.

Thermomagnetic response was exclusively obtained using the proposed numerical methodology, which allowed a detailed characterisation of the thermomagnetic effect on several case-studies. It should be referenced that, to the knowledge of the authors, the modelling capabilities of the thermomagnetic analysis technique proposed in this project are not covered by any solution available on the market.

An exhaustive state-of-the-art review was performed covering the mains aspects of thermoelectric/thermomagnetic effect, and served as the theoretical basis for further developments in the context of the project

Experiments were designed to validate the thermomagnetic phenomena simulations. However, the sensitivity needed for measuring the magnetic fields generated by thermal currents in smaller components can be challenging and was not yet obtained. With the obtained results, nevertheless, an indirect assessment has been performed indicating a suitable match between the experimental results and the simulations.

The techniques proposed have great potential of use in the design of sensitive systems, namely the ones that require the maximum of magnetic cleanliness. This is the case of in-space measuring systems that require the minimum of magnetic perturbation for an accurate measurement.

Technology Domain
Executive summary