Standard Platform for Monitoring (SPMON2)
Programme Reference
Prime Contractor
Start Date
End Date

The activity is the continuation of the SPMON GSTP-5 Activity, in which a market survey on possible Standard Platform for Monitoring, concluded that such a common standard platform did not exist, and that an SPMON prototype could be developed for the monitoring of Mission Control Systems. The SPMON activity lead to the current SPMON MCSView prototype, developed for the monitoring of Mission Control Systems.
The objective is to enhance the current SPMON prototype by:
- Developing complex functions for SPMON.
- Developing an integration platform that facilitates the inclusion of any Ground Data System to be monitored and controlled.
- Validating the prototype in a pre-operational environment.
SPMON is an SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) based Monitoring system, which retrieves Health and Performance attributes of Managed Hosts, System Resources and Applications related to the Mission Control System. It provides the monitoring of: System Resources (e.g. MCS task processes, MCS TM/TC/Admin connections, CPUs, Memory, Swap space, disks file systems partitions) and Network Attributes (e.g. Network Stats, Sockets, interface traffic, pre-defined TCP connections).
Its main benefit is that it is a SNMP based generic ;system easily configurable to any type of mission (e.g. SWARM, Sentinel, Bepi Colombo, EXOMARS, Euclid, etc.) and flexible enough to also monitor and control similar Data Systems (e.g.. Flight Dynamics Systems, ESTRACK Management System).
Technology Development
The Technology to be developed belongs to two main areas:
1) Development of Complex Functions for SPMON
The Development of Complex Functions is the core of this activity, and covers the implementation of the functions that are required in a future operational SPMON MCSView software, and that are currently not covered in the SPMON MCSView Prototype.Complex functions would include: Mobile quot;Appquot; Integration, User Management, Event Hysteresis, Event Automated Actions, Reporting. Focus will be put on the Performance of the tool, and on the ;;Validation of the resulting prototype. All developed Complex Functions will be ;;fully integrated in the SPMON MCSView tool, at the operational profit of the MCSView users.
2) Integration Development:
One of the key factors of potential operational success of SPMON, is the flexibility, the ease and user friendliness of its potential for the monitoring of other operational Data Systems, such as Ground Station Data Sytems or other ESOC Mission Data Systems, such as Mission Planning Systems or Fight Dynamic Systems.
In addition, SPMON also needs to be able to agregate its Management Information - i.e. collected from the managed Mission Data Systems - into ;its own Key Performance Indicators (KPI), for possible Integration with higher level Enterprise Management Systems or Umbrella Enterprise Systems.
Prototype Validation
Another part of the activity would cover the validation of SPMON MCSView in ;;preoperational laboratory environments and - if successful - in a pre-operational representative environment (SLES 12 compliant).
In addition, it would be important to study the versatility of the existing SPMON MCSView prototype, and its capacity to be used for the monitoring of other Mission Data Systems, such as Planning Systems or Flight Dynamic Systems. Another SPMON protype would be configured/developed.
A third aspect is the integration of the current SPMON MCSView prototype in a larger Monitoring and Control environment, where data and events have to be passed from one (lower) level to a higher one.
Application Domain
Generic Technologies
Technology Domain
9 - Mission Operation and Ground Data Systems
Competence Domain
8-Ground Systems and Mission Operations
Initial TRL
Target TRL
Public Document