From system to simulation architecture

To identify the core technologies and architectures for the next generation space systems simulators, to reduce the development cost and time-to-market by reusing system design and verification data.
Due to the large increase in manufacturing volume of space systems components, coming e.g. from the Mega Constellations and Cubesats domains, the standardisation of flight hardware is progressing faster than ever. In addition, there is the continuous need for cost reduction and faster time-to-market.Concerning the simulators used in the design, verification and operations of these space systems, there is the urgent need to develop the technologies allowing the advances in equipment and spacecraft platform manufacturing to also be reflected in the simulation modelling and by this reducing the development, configuration and validation efforts related to the space systems simulators. This activity aims to develop technologies which are generic and beneficial in all application domains, both for spacecraft missions and also for other space systems developments.In addition to cost reduction, a better consistency between the simulators and the system design is needed. This will improve the Functional Verification program, where simulators are a core element of the various test benches, in the following areas:- a reduction in the preparation time of functional test, by automatically configuring the simulator;- less inconsistencies and NCRs due to mismatches of the simulator with the system design;- a faster turnaround time for updating the simulator in case changes have been applied at system level;- less effort spend on simulator model validation due better automation and reuse of validation data.It is needed to evaluate the following technologies considering a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) perspective:- Automation of the configuration of simulators based on system design and functional verification data;- Harmonisation and modernisation of existing Reference Architectures;- Concepts for formal capturing of behaviour modelling, extending the current Electronic Data Sheets (EDS).This activity encompasses the following tasks:- Identify the relevant system and unit design including behavioral modelling;- Propose the concepts and architectures to achieve a higher level of automation;- Provide a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) based on realistic space mission data.This activity is in line with the needs identified in RATIO-SIM, a joint initiative involving European Industry and Space Agencies, to rationalise the European investments in simulators.